SKINCARE SERIES: Types of toners.
TONERS: What is a toner? well, a toner looks like water but it really is not.It is a liquid that gets absorbed by your skin to give it an instant glow and remover impurities, it also removes dead skin. It may contain acids or maybe glycerin, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories. A toner brings back your face to its acidic nature. Usually it is used after cleansing. Cleansers usually change the ph level of your skin so toners change it back to what it is supposed to be. TYPES OF TONERS: ুSKIN FRESHENERS: these usually have almost no alcohol in it. It is water and a humectant. It is good for dry, sensitive and mature skin. ুSKIN TONIC: it refines and rejuvenate the skin after cleansing. It helps minimize the appearance of pores, ুACID TONER: it contains salicylic acid, glycolic acid and lactic acid. they help removes dead skin cells, and even out the skin tone a promote collagen production. ুASTRINGENT: used for oily and acne prone skin. As it removes the ...